
Core Capabilities

Data Warehousing

We offer secure cloud storage solutions for data across assets, liabilities, and capital/risk parameters.


Additionally, our system supports API connection to market data, facilitating daily market and asset updates and accurate insights.

Market and Asset Modelling

We provide multi-currency market and regulatory curves modelling, asset pricing, and portfolio reporting, aiming to simplify your operations and improve efficiency.

Actuarial Modelling

We offer reserving, solvency capital requirements across assets and liabilities, and risk margin modelling.


Our system is also equipped to support complex group structures and multiple currencies.

Analysis of Change (AoC)

Every element of Fentics modelling, from interest rate curves and asset & liability analytics to your complete balance sheet, integrates Analysis of Change (AoC).


This feature enables detailed and granular analysis of profitability, hedging effectiveness, and actual performance versus budget.

Stress Testing

Stress testing is integral to all Fentics modelling, providing the ability to stress any or all components of balance sheets at your convenience.


At the front end, you have the flexibility to load a stress scenario into every analysis, ranging from curve building and asset pricing to balance sheet modelling.

Whole Balance Sheet Modelling

We construct and analyze the entire balance sheet within a single unified framework, ensuring consistent and automated stress testing, analysis of change, and forecasting.

This approach significantly diminishes the need for reconciling figures across disparate Excel sheets or models, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.